Admiralty Peter I.

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Admiralty Peter I.

Post by Anatol » Thu Apr 07, 2016 9:47 pm

Admiralty was laid November 5, 1704. Originally built as the Admiralty shipyard according to the drawings of Peter I. During the war it was necessary to protect the shipyard, so in 1706 the Admiralty was a fortress. It was fenced earthen rampart with five earthen bastions. Along the perimeter - ditches filled with water, the embankment of the glacis and extensive meadow areas for review of fire in the event of a surprise attack. Admiralty to build quickly. Russia, coming to the shores of the Baltic, was in need of a powerful fleet in the naval and merchant ships. Therefore, the Admiralty was built in the center of the city on the left bank of the Neva River, almost opposite the Peter and Paul Fortress, where the guns were to serve as a reliable protection of the forge of the Russian fleet. Initially the Admiralty was a great quadrangular place lined on three sides by ten docks, warehouses and wooden wooden tower in the center of an iron spire. While the Admiralty was a one-story structure located in a highly stretched the letter "П", open to the side of the Neva River. The building housed warehouses, workshops, forges, and service department Admiralty. The yard was busy docks for the construction of sailing ships on the perimeter of the courtyard was the inner channel. Admiralty became a large enterprise, which is fully the entire process of construction of the ship, from logging to gathering ship the stocks. Already the first ship was ready in a year: 18-gun ship, built with the personal participation of Peter I. All during the reign of Peter more than 40 ships have been built here. In commemoration of the victory at Poltava Piotr was laid at the Admiralty the first 54-gun ship "Poltava", Launched in mid-1712 the Emperor personally watched how the shipyard.
Ambazonia(Federal Republic of the Southern Cameroons) 2013;500fcfa;SG?

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Joined: Sun Apr 12, 2009 2:13 pm

Re: Admiralty Peter I.

Post by Anatol » Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:10 pm

Admiralty Peter I.
Cote d’Ivore 2013;2500f;SG? Russia 1997;500r;200r;SG?

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