MALDIVE TRADER (Maldive Islands)

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D. v. Nieuwenhuijzen
Posts: 871
Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2010 7:46 pm

MALDIVE TRADER (Maldive Islands)

Post by D. v. Nieuwenhuijzen » Tue May 02, 2017 6:53 pm

Built in 1959 by Hall Russell, Aberdeen, #877, for Donaldson Line Ltd., Aberdeen as SANTONA.
General Cargo, Gt:1769, Dw:2530, Loa:82,60m. B:13,70m. D:7,95m. Engine? IMO.5313268.
In 1966 lengthened, Loa:108,29m. Gt:3218, Dw:3426.
Launched 26 May 1959. Sponsor was Mrs F. A. Donaldson. Sister ship to COLINA.
Constructed for trading to Great Lakes via the St. Lawrence Seaway. Design features for this include: recessed stern anchor, sewage disposal system and landing booms for transferring seamen ashore for lock service.
Change of owners 1974 to Maldives Shipping Ltd., Male, Maldives.
Renamed MALDIVE TRADER, 1974.
Last mention in Lloyd's Register 1982-1983.

Broken up at Gadani Beach (Shipbreakers) Pakistan, in April 1983 after running aground.
Disposal Data:
Wrecked 19.26.48N/37.43.30E. 09-11-1983, arrived Gadani Beach 02-04-1983.

(Maldive Islands 1978, 5L. StG.749)
maldive trader 2.jpg

Posts: 7889
Joined: Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:28 am

Re: MALDIVE TRADER (Maldive Islands)

Post by aukepalmhof » Tue May 02, 2017 8:59 pm

31 July 1959 completed.
As a result of severe damage sustained by grounding for 1½ hours off Port Sudan on North Jumna Shoal in lat. 19 26 48N long 37 43 30E on January 9, 1983 while in an empty condition de Maldivian motor vessel MALDIVE TRADER was subsequently declared a constructive total loss. She was then sold to Pakistan shipbreakers and towed to Gadani Beach, where she was beached on April 2 to be scrapped.

Source: Modern Shipping Disasters 1963-1987 by Norman Hooke.

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