Herring drifter-Briar

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Herring drifter-Briar

Post by Anatol » Sun Mar 22, 2015 5:34 pm

A drifter is a type of fishing boat. They were designed to catch herrings in a long drift net. Herring fishing using drifters has a long history in the Netherlands and in many British fishing ports, particularly in East Scottish ports.
Drift netting is a fishing technique where nets, called drift nets, hang vertically in the water column without being anchored to the bottom. The nets are kept vertical in the water by floats attached to a rope along the top of the net and weights attached to another rope along the bottom of the net.[1] Drift nets generally rely on the entanglement properties of loosely affixed netting. Folds of loose netting, much like a window drapery, snag on a fish's tail and fins and wrap the fish up in loose netting as it struggles to escape. However the nets can also function as gill nets if fish are captured when their gills get stuck in the net. The size of the mesh varies depending on the fish being targeted. These nets usually target schools of pelagic fish.
Until the mid-1960s fishing fleets in the North Sea comprised drifters and trawlers, with the drifters primarily targeting herring while the trawlers caught cod, plaice, skate and haddock, etc. By the mid-1960s the catches were greatly diminishing, particularly the herring. Consequently the drifter fleet disappeared and many of the trawlers were adapted to work as service ships for the newly created North Sea oil rigs. Some history of drifters is covered in Scottish east coast fishery.
Naval drifters were boats built in the same way used by the Royal Navy primarily to maintain and patrol anti-submarine nets. They were either purpose-built for naval use or requisitioned from private owners.
Great Britan 2015;100g;SG?
Source:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drifter_(fishing_boat). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drift_netting.

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