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ZHUHAI (166) destroyer

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:58 pm
by aukepalmhof
The first ship on this stamp is most probably the ZHUHAI (166)

The Luda class I, II and III destroyers were the first ocean-going warships built by China, and it was a Russian design taken from the Neustrashimy class (by the NAVO known as the Tallinn class).

The ZHUHAI (166) is a single Luda III guided-missile destroyer.
Built on the Dalian Shipyard at Dalian, China for the Chinese Navy.
Details of Chinese warships are a bit scare:
Laid down?
Launched ?
Displacement 3.250 ton standard, 3.670 ton full load. Dim. 132 x 12.8 x 5.3m. (draught).
Powered by geared steam turbines, 72.025 shp., twin shafts, speed 32 knots.
Range 3.420 mile by a speed of 18 knots.
Armament: 4 twin launchers C-801/YJ-1 CSS-N-4 Sardine SSM’s, 2 dual 130mm DP. 4 dula 37mm AA guns. 2 – 12.75 inch torpedo tubes. 2 Type 75 ASW RL. Can carry 38 mines.
Crew 302.
October 1991 completed.

She is an improved version of the Luda I class and most probably she carried a helicopter.
Most probably was she built as a trial platform for new systems later incorporated in the Lulu design.
2008 Still in service, a unit of the South Sea Fleet.

China 1997 50f sg4212, scott2783

Source: The Encyclopaedia of Warships.