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Post by aukepalmhof » Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:50 pm

There isn't any type given for the depicted canoes, only the info given by the PNG Postal Authorities that is given below. Who can supply which type of canoe is depict.
Traditional Canoes of PNG :-
In the coastal areas of Papua New Guinea, canoes play a major role in the livelihoods of its inhabitants. The art of constructing canoes and manoeuvring techniques are imparted on from generation to generation.
The canoes come in different designs and sizes serving different purposes (Trade voyages, Fishing, Racing and as Transport for Warriors during tribal wars). Due to non existence of roads in most of these areas, the inhabitants heavily rely on canoes as a daily means of transport.
To most it is seen as an important way of life. Categorically, there are three different types of canoes. Those that are built with outriggers, the double hulled canoes (connected by a decking structure in between) and the single hulled type.
Distribution wise, the double hulled and the outrigger canoes are commonly found along the coastal areas. The paddlers to these particular canoes normally sit/squat to paddle. The single hulled canoes are found along waterways and lake areas.
Unlike the outrigger and double hulled canoes of this type of canoe stand up-right to paddle. Today, motorized boats are seen as a threat, not only to the existence and significance of canoes, but also the art of manoeuvring and building them.
In the present, only a few coastal communities continue to keep the passion alive. Valuing its significance, Post PNG this year is featuring Traditional Canoes as a topic for its 11th stamp issue.

PapuaNew Guinea 2009 85t/K6.00 sg?, scott? MS K10.00 sg?, scott?
2009 1 (Medium).jpg
2009 2.jpg
2009 3.jpg
2009 4.jpg
2009 5.jpg

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