Speedwell (Pilgrim Fathers)

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john sefton
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Speedwell (Pilgrim Fathers)

Post by john sefton » Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:36 pm

The Protestant Reformation, which had begun in 1517, reached England around twenty years later. As elsewhere in Europe, it spawned dissenting minorities who were rather more ascetic in the practice of their new faith than the Church of England which was Protestant in name, but was, effectively, Catholicism without the Pope. Of these, the plain-living Puritans who eschewed what they saw as the gaudy, papist show of the English church, were the most overt and became the most oppressed. In 1609, the Puritans found England so inimical that 35 of them left the country and settled at Leyden, in Holland. Holland was much more to their strict religious taste, but after ten years, the Puritans began to seek a better freedom than a patch in a foreign land.
The Puritans looked, therefore, to America where the first successful English colony had been planted in 1607, and applied to the Virginia Company for a grant of land. The arrangement was that the Puritans would return to England in the Speedwell where they would join the Mayflower which was to carry another 66 settlers across the Atlantic to America. The planned convoy never took place. The Speedwell proved unseaworthy and all 101 emigrants had to crowd on board the 27-metre (90 ft) Mayflower. This group was known to us as the Pilgrim Fathers. Apart from its small size, ships like the Mayflower were hardly ideal for ocean sailing where the high Atlantic swell and violent storms could be fatal to vessels better suited to coast-hugging in Europe.
Isle of Man SG518,19

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Re: Speedwell (Pilgrim Fathers)

Post by aukepalmhof » Sun Feb 23, 2014 8:22 pm

When the SPEEDWELL was a 60 ton pinnace as given by Wikipedia, she can not be the SWIFTSURE commissioned in 1588 in the British Navy, which was according Rif Winfield in his book British Warships in the Age of Sail 1603-1714 built as a smallis galleon with a tonnage of 333/416 ton, which was rebuilt in 1607 and renamed SPEEDWELL.
The 60 ton pinnace SPEEDWELL used in Martin Pring expedition to America in 1603 is also doubtful; at that year according Winfield she carried still the name SWIFTSURE. .

SPEEDWELL was a 60-ton pinnace that, along with MAYFLOWER, transported the pilgrims and was the smaller of the two ships. A vessel of the same name and size traveled to the New World seventeen years prior as the flagship of the first expedition of Martin Pring, and was built in 1577, under the name SWIFTSURE, as part of English preparations for war against Spain. She participated in the fight against the Spanish Armada. During the Earl of Essex's 1596 Azores expedition she served as the ship of his second in command, Sir Gilly Merick. After hostilities with Spain ended, she was decommissioned in 1605, and renamed SPEEDWELL.
The Leiden Separatists bought the SPEEDWELL in Holland, and embarked from Delfshaven on 22 July 1620. They then sailed under the command of Captain John Thomas Chappell to Southampton, England to meet the sister ship, MAYFLOWER, which had been chartered by merchant investors. In Southampton they joined with other Separatists and the additional colonists hired by the investors. The SPEEDWELL was already leaking. The ships lay at anchor in Southampton almost two weeks while the SPEEDWELL was being repaired and the group had to sell some of their belongings, food and stores, to cover costs and port fees.
The two ships began the voyage on 5 August 1620, but SPEEDWELL was found to be taking on water, and the two ships put into Dartmouth for repairs. On the second attempt, MAYFLOWER and SPEEDWELL sailed about 100 leagues (about 300 nautical miles (560 km; 350 mi)) beyond Land's End in Cornwall, but SPEEDWELL was again found to be taking on water. Both vessels returned to Plymouth. The Separatists decided to go on to America on MAYFLOWER. According to Bradford, the SPEEDWELL was sold at auction in London, and after being repaired made a number of successful voyages for her new owners. At least two of her passengers, Thomas Blossom and a son, returned to Leiden.
Prior to the voyage the SPEEDWELL had been refitted in Leiden and had two masts. Nathaniel Philbrick theorizes that the crew used a mast that was too big for the ship, and that the added stress caused holes to form in the hull. William Bradford wrote that the "overmasting" strained the ship's hull, but attributes the main cause of her leaking to actions on the part of the crew. Passenger Robert Cushman wrote from Dartmouth in August 1620 that the leaking was caused by a loose board approximately two feet long.
Eleven people from SPEEDWELL boarded MAYFLOWER, leaving 20 people to return to London (including Cushman) while a combined company of 103 continued the voyage. For a third time, MAYFLOWER headed for the New World. She left Plymouth on 6 September 1620 and entered Cape Cod Harbor on 11 November. Speedwell’s replacement, FORTUNE, eventually followed, arriving at Plymouth Colony one year later on 9 November 1621. Philippe de Lannoy who was on SPEEDWELL with his uncle Francis Cooke, made the trip on that voyage.
In 1656 a vessel called SPEEDWELL made a voyage from England to Boston, carrying a party of Quakers including Christopher Holder and John Copeland. Arriving in Massachusetts Bay Colony under the Governorship of John Endecott, they were deported for religious reasons and obliged to return to Britain. In the following year another party, including six of the SPEEDWELL company, returned via Rhode Island aboard WOODHOUSE: one of them became one of the Boston martyrs, judicially executed by Endecott.
In 1751 a vessel called SPEEDWELL made a voyage from Rotterdam to Halifax, Nova Scotia, carrying a party of "Foreign Protestants"[including Johann Andreas Fultz. Captained by a Joseph Wilson, SPEEDWELL left Rotterdam on 18 May 1751, with 229 passengers, arriving in Halifax with 212 passengers on either 10 or 21 July 1751.
A fiction based on fact novel, A Spurious Brood outlines a possible explanation for the sabotage of SPEEDWELL based on the true story of Katherine More, whose children were sent to America on board MAYFLOWER.
Isle of Man 1992 18p sg519, scott506 and 28p sg521 scott508

Downloaded from Wikipedia.
speedwell painting by Wilcox.jpg

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