On Thursday 3 October 2024, it will be 450 years to the day since Leiden was liberated by the water beggars after a months-long siege by Spanish troops during the 80 Years' War (1568 - 1648). PostNL will use the stamp sheet to draw attention to the heroes of that time and the stories surrounding the liberation.
1. The right stamp shows the liberation of the water beggars, who distribute herring and white bread to the population from their ships.
(The drawing shows better the type of boats the water beggars were used by the liberation of Leiden.)
2. Two stamp portraits: on the left is Louis de Boisot, lieutenant-admiral and commander of the geuzenvloot. On the right is William of Orange, leader of the uprising against the Spanish rulers.
Both portraits are diagonally upside down at the bottom of the stamp.
3. Two tab portraits: Magdalena Moons, lover of the Spanish military leader De Valdes, who possibly persuaded him to postpone the attack on Leiden.
4. Below (upside down): Willem Cornelisz van Duyvenbode, church organist who smuggled his pigeons out of the city.
(The wooden flat-bottomed boat that the Geuzen (water beggars) used during the liberation of Leiden was built without a keel beam but with a keel plank that can sometimes be thicker than the other planks. Sometimes a false keel or a skeg was also fitted. The bottom is transversely flat or almost flat and in any case transverse to the other side of the centre line straight. The bilges are placed at an angle to the bottom. Flat-bottomed boats are usually used in shallow waters and in tidal waters where they can easily run aground. Fishing boats. Inland vessels and yachts are built as flat-bottomed boats, for example the botter, grondel, schokker, hoogaars, hengst, and scow.)
Source: Zeilvaart Lexicon by J van Beylen.
Much more is given on this stamp at: https://www.wopa-plus.com/en/stamps/product/&pgid=94508
https://www.postzegelblog.nl/2024/09/29 ... derzegels-
Netherland 2024 2 x no value, sg? Scott?
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- geuzen vloot bij ontzet of Leiden.gif (196.09 KiB) Viewed 10955 times
- LeidsOntzetvelletje-rgb-600x833.jpg (94.65 KiB) Viewed 10955 times
- Leids-Ontzet-450-jaar-rechts.jpg (114.8 KiB) Viewed 10955 times